Saint Mark’s Board of Trustees
Like most independent schools, Saint Mark’s is guided by a board of trustees — a volunteer group that promotes the school's goals and vision for the future. Led by Board Chair Sarah Weitz, the board includes Saint Mark’s parents and community representatives. Trustees focus on the big picture, leaving day-to-day operations to the head of school. The board offers the financial expertise and vision necessary to keep the school healthy for years to come. In short, the board holds Saint Mark’s "in trust" for future generations of students and families.
Mrs. Sarah Weitz
Mr. John Doering
Mr. Mario Benedetti
Mr. Christopher Broomfield
Mr. Matt Damiano
Mr. Will French
Mrs. Christy Hatzfeld
Mrs. Lindsay Hotte
Mrs. Sabria McElroy Idarraga
Mr. Justin Lord
Mr. Tom Lyman
Mrs. Christine O'Loughlin
Mrs. Bethany Pitino
Mr. Kyle Quinn
Mr. Harry Richardson
Mrs. Lauren Salas
Mr. Rick Sebaly
Mr. John Stetson
Ms. Stephanie Toothaker
Executive School Administrators
The Rev. Grant Wiseman
Dr. Spencer Taintor
Head of School
Dr. Kathleen Rotella
Mrs. Laura Minor
Director of Admissions